Friday, May 14, 2010

After beating Cave Spring in 1986 by an overtime score of 2 - 1 in the junior high tournament, Byrd faced Cave Spring in 1987 for the tournament championship again by beating Hidden Valley 5 - 1 in the first round game. Led by three outstanding ninth grade All District Players, Shawn Niday, Robbie Scharpf, and Scott Carter, the junior high Terriers faced a strong and determined Cave Spring team that surprised the Terriers and won the tightly fought championship game 5 - 1.

Other key players were Andy Crowder, Hunter Durham, Todd Etter, Bryan Holland, and Aaron Craig, and Mark Andrews. Andrews and Holland made All District in the '88 season.

From the '88 season until '91 this coach does not remember any more championship games for several potential reasons; after the '88 season which was another good season, the young Terriers probably had the weakest won-lost three year series of their twenty years thereby maybe disqualifying for a chance in the tournament, if tournaments were still viable, AND the thought is that the County school system had begun planning for a middle school sports program that would not use tournaments and involve seventh and eighth graders only while changing to a middle school program.

Starting in '92, junior high became middle school and the young Terriers again became competitive and, along with Cave Spring, usually ranked number one or two.

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