Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Byrd junior high/middle school has had its share of tremendous scorers...most of whom finished out their school years as varsity players who may have eventually led the Timesland recognition or honor team for best scorer in this area. Brad Collins, as previously mentioned, is the one Byrd scorer who actually set the state scoring that unfortunately was broken within 2-4 years.

Below are the junior high/middle school's high scorers for one year (as some may have been)....two years in many cases....and three years possibly for some junior high scorers. As I have searched my records, I now realize that my scoring stats are not as complete as I had thought, and I do apologize for that oversight.
(A scoring "expert" will remember that the point system is 2 points for a goal...1 point for an assist.)

Single season highest score for seventh graders....Brad Collins, 47......Mike Berry, 45.....and Shawn Niday, 41..
.....................First year scorers cont.,, (second tier)....Greg Moses, 36......Derek Brown, 33......Johnny Lambert, 32......Chris Dowdy, 31......Ryan Richards, 31......Mark Andrews, 30......Josh Overbay.......(third tier)....Brett Hamlett, 29......Derek Lawrance, 26......Robbie Scharpf, 22

Two seasons combined for seventh-eighth graders....Shawn Niday, 122......Greg Moses, 101......
Mike Berry, 99......Chris Dowdy, 83......Mark Andrews, 79......Josh Overbay, 76......Brett Hamlett, 74......
Ryan Richards, 66......Derek Lawrance, 62......Rob Scharpf, 60

Obviously there were many skilled and potent scorers that moved to varsity and did exceptionally well...especially when one considers that several high scorers may have been a positive scoring factor for 3-4 varsity years.

This coach must make an addendum: mistakes are very much possible regarding record-keeping and coaching. Mistakes may surely have been made regarding names and numbers, and I make apology where needed..

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