Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have changed already my blog name to Coach Dad.......with my younger son's help. The idea of "Coach Dad" is appropriate in more ways than one. Appropriateness is relevant in that as a rec coach for approximately fifteen years with football, T-ball, (and rec soccer for about another fifteen years later), this coach had the blessings of fathers who aided me in coaching their sons. Team pictures always pictured Coach Dowdy standing beside at least...two....three...or... four fathers who helped coach their sons. Granted...I was "the coach;" but the Dads were also equally (or more so) valuable for their!!

When I coached junior high/middle school soccer for twenty was the players and I; but.....on certain specific years some fathers were conveniently available to assist me when we practiced in after school hours. Remind me to tell you about these Dads in the next blog..!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget...weren't you also the "Commish" of rec. soccer for a while?! I will say you made an incredible effort, year after year, to encourage all of your players - I think I can say with certainty that everyone always felt like part of the team. Those felt stars for goals weren't bad either!

